Drink Food Chew Water!!

Hell Yeah!!  You read it right, before diving into this discussion, let me tell you a witty story about how children are fed by Indian mom.Starting the day with a plate of full of curd rice smashing in the kid’s mouth.When he finally awaits for his lunch pack to opened during lunch period, the small kid gets amused to see that it is  3 boxes full of rice with different kinds, the kid still manages to push the rice into his belly.Finally during dinner again the mom busts him with the heavy dosage of food.Basically, the small kid turns out to be big sumo with the belly fat surrounding his stomach with no energy left to raise his arm.

The fundamental problem for bad health both mentally and physically is not chewing your food properly.Recently I have encountered a video on youtube about a film star  giving a talk about this topic and he explained that our mind and digestive system is designed in such a way that the intake of proteins  and vital vitamins depends on how much time you chew the food but not on what you eat and how much you eat.The mind adjusts the stomach and secretes necessary acids when you chew the food for prolonged time.Thus, after a certain time, say 10 minutes your mind says that you have eaten enough food although you ate less.Finally, he concludes that chew your food until it becomes liquid and drink water like chewing your food.
Cheers 🙂

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